Sunday, August 7, 2016

Sometimes Pain Happens

Well...I said earlier that I was sharing my whole journey. Being vulnerable. It's not always good and easy. So I gotta share the bad and the hard. Sometimes in getting healthy you will get hurt or injured. Especially when you are giving it your all. So here I am again.

ER visit was not how I planned to spend the time after the race...but hey, I finished the 5k strong! I hate going to the doctor unless I have to...especially the ER. Wasn't taking any chances, though, with the amount of pain I was having and not being able to move it or walk on it without MUCH pain.

No Regrets, though! I enjoyed the race and will hopefully be able to do another in a couple months! Will just do water workouts until I am completely healed.

I finally figured out what I would have to do if I need crutches, though, since I can only do certain things with my arm since I hurt it a few years back. LOL It ain't easy to use them...had to move the left hand bar up since I can't straighten my arm. But they definitely help me take the weight off of my knee. There is a way to modify most things. Just had to figure it out.

RICE...It's not just a food to eat. :-P Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation...and meds. Praying the pain gets better in the next day or two & it's just overdoing it or pulled muscles/sprain!

Prayers appreciated! I am probably not the best patient, but Paul has always been a great helper. Plus, I do not like NOT being able to be active now. I've come too far to slow down now. So once it starts feeling better...POOL TIME!

<3 #Transformation517 #KneeOuchie #CrutchesAreInteresting #RestYesStopNO #NOGivingUp #GodsGotThis #StillBLESSED #GodsGirl

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