Wednesday, July 13, 2016

What God Can Do

This is what God can do when you let HIM work on you from inside, out...outside, in. But it isn't just letting HIM work. You gotta work too! You must accept the CHALLENGE to make the CHOICE to CHANGE your life! Pick yourself up and MOVE!

I am NOT on a diet. It's a LIFESTYLE change. I would say it's 80% clean, healthy food...the other 20% isn't. (But my body doesn't do well with junk, now. lol). It's not something there is an end to. It's a journey...not a destination!

I am NOT exercising to just lose weight. I AM doing it to get healthy. It's not always fun...but it's exciting. And I can do so many things now that I never really have before. I CAN do ALL things through CHRIST who strengthens me (and CHALLENGES me! lol)

The left was my heaviest (stayed that way a few years) and the right is NOW. Shirt on the left is 4XL (and not baggy). Shirt on the right is 2XL and feels good and has room leftover.

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