Sunday, August 14, 2016

Sometimes a Break is NEEDED

When something happens in the usually also happens in the spiritual. Good or bad. That's usually just how it works. And I have been thinking about that. In the physical, I have been told that I need to rest in order to heal properly. I don't like it. It's annoying. It's aggravating. I'm tired of resting already!

Then I start to think...I believe that is what God is telling me to do with my spirit person. To rest. REST. I love my Heavenly Daddy more than anything...but just as with my physical daddy...I don't always like what I am told. lol And God is perfectly ok with me feeling that way. He's my DADDY! I think the conversation is probably like this, "But Heavenly Daddy...I don't need to rest. There's so much more I could be doing for you, for me, for everybody. I need to move. I need to do something." But His reply? "REST. STOP. BE STILL. LISTEN. HEAR."

So that is what I am going to do for a few days or so. I'm taking a hiatus from FB. I need to let my Heavenly Daddy speak to me. I need to read HIS word. I need to hear what He has to say. I need to pull myself up closer to HIM. As Josh Jarrell spoke tonight, it made me KNOW that God wants me to come closer. "Proximity to Jesus changes EVERYTHING!" It's time to go HIGHER with Him, closer to HIM.

We need to check our love relationship with Jesus. Just like our physical relationships take does our spiritual. We need to love on Jesus and let Him work on us. So for the next few days, I'm going to go find my "dirt-writer" and let HIM show me the map of my life that HE is rewriting for me! I know the journey He has me on...but I can only see so far. He shows me a little more at a time. <3 So it's time to go play in the dirt with Jesus and let Him clean me up even more. To help me let go of some junk in the trunk. To be as BOLD spiritually as I am becoming physically. Because when that BOLD is happening in BOTH at the same time...there ain't no stopping what God WILL do!

So...if you need me, you can text me (that usually works best). Or you can PM me. I will still check messenger because of business and stuff. But it's time for me to dig DEEPER...and to "FACETIME" with JESUS!

"I am becoming like the one I'm beholding...The old has gone and the new has come..." Funny that was sang tonight... 2 Corinthians 5:17 is what I call the "butterfly" verse. It's a very important verse to me on this journey He has me on. And it is exactly where God has me right now. TRANSFORMATION.

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

I am being transformed...physically and spiritually. I have felt "stuck" for the past few weeks. And rest is NOT what I wanted to hear. But it's what God wants me to do. To just REST in HIM. It's time to let the Word pour into me.

Awesome, Awesome, Awesome services today and tonight. Exactly what I needed. Can you tell? lol

Thank you, Heavenly Daddy!

#WarriorMode #Transformation517 #REST #GodsGirl #ListeningToHIM

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