Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Holy & Whole

Holy and Whole. Body, mind, and soul. Getting holy and whole with God is much like exercise. It hurts. It’s sweaty, it’s stinky, it makes you feel dirty. BUT after the process, you feel so much better.

Let God sanctify you. Cleanse you with the love of Jesus. Purify you with the fire of Holy Spirit. Know that it may hurt…but it will make you feel better in the end. You will have to go through the pain, sweat, and dirt of yourself in order to get rid of it. In order to let Jesus have the bad and leave the good. In order to finally love yourself, love God, and love others.

If He said He would do it…He WILL. Don’t stop…don’t give up just because it hurts or you feel like you can’t keep going. Or even if it feels as though He isn’t there. He is. He CAN and HE WILL. Give it to Him.

Just like gold must go through the fire to be purified and become the most valuable…so must we go through the fire of life and testing to purify us and get us where God needs us to be. So don’t think that all hope is gone. Don’t think that just because bad things happen that God isn’t there. Sometimes, He is just using the trials and testing to sanctify us. To purify us. To cleanse us. To make us holy and whole.

It’s a sweaty, stinky, dirty process…but it is so worth it! <3

1 Thessalonians 5:23
May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

#RevingTheWord #RevWellTV #GodsGirl #Transformation517 #Sanctified #PurifiedbyGod #GodsGold #Blameless #Holy #Whole

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Another Step on God's Path for Me

Well...I did it! Another step on the path to where God is calling me. I know God is working and sending the rest because I am HIS Princess Daughter and He wants me to be the best and have the best!

 I ordered the other books needed (the rest comes once the tuition is paid) for the Revelation Wellness Fitness Ministry Instructor Training. Believing that it will be paid in full in time for starting in February.

If you would like to donate to my fundraising to help with this...please let me know. I am getting excited and looking forward to where God is leading me. It's NOT easy and TOTALLY outside of my normal comfort zone...in many ways. But I know that God will use it for HIS glory in MANY ways! 

Thank you all so much, that have given and helped so far. It means so much to me. Thank you for all the prayers and encouragement.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Leap of Faith for God

Ok...after much discussion with God and with my husband...I took a great leap of faith today. Believing and KNOWING that God will provide & make a way! <3 When God puts it in your heart...he will make a way. And He will let you know in different ways that it IS Him talking. Thank you, Heavenly Daddy!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Letting Go of Life’s Clutter

It describes me perfectly....

Today is a rainy day outside, so a good time to get in a workout.  It's going to be a different kind today. Cleaning...physical and spiritual.

A week or so ago, I told my husband that I feel "closed in" sometimes because of stuff...and because of my own mind.  You see, sometimes clutter in your home makes clutter in your mind. I've always been one to keep things that are "important".  Or things that are from people I love.  I mean what if something was to happen?

It got me to thinking about WHY I do that. I mean, isn't that how hoarders are made? I am NOT anywhere near being a hoarder like the show portrays...but even everyday clutter and disorganization in the physical can cause the same in your mind and heart. So WHY do I continue to do this and WHAT do I do to get rid of it?

When I was a little girl, I lost everything in fire...on a couple of different occasions. And then as an older child, we didn't have much and we moved around a lot for a few years.

 We didn't always have the money to get "things", but I had what I needed and I had love. I am NOT saying that life was terrible. I am NOT saying that I was unloved.  Because neither of those are true. I WAS loved.  I DID have a good life, for the most part.  Sure, I was heartbroken because my parents weren't together and because we were poor...but I WAS loved by my family and friends. None of us have a perfect life.  But God was using these memories to lead me to my WHY.

But as I sat thinking the other day, I realized that those moments in my childhood made a lasting impact. No matter how loved I was, deep down it still impacted me.  I was bullied by kids who had more than me. They made me feel that I wasn't good enough. When we lost everything in a fire, I remember those feelings. I remember my mama crying over a special photo. I even remember the photo. It was of me with my face painted with a clown at the circus. We lost lots of priceless photos. I really don't have many from my childhood. (Maybe that's why God made me so passionate about photography and gave me that gift of making precious memories for others!) I remember losing everything that was a comfort to me in my child’s mind. Unlike children that have that special blanket or stuffed animal from birth, I don’t have that. All I have is some faded memories.

I remember feeling restless from moving around all the time. I think it’s why I feel like I’ve never fit in or like I belong anywhere. I calculated at least 13 times in 3 ½ years. 8 schools from Kindergarten through High School. No, I wasn’t a military brat. I never felt comfortable enough to invite many friends over when I was a child. At least in last few years of HS, it was back to where I started and I had more family and friends. I was always getting bullied because of where I lived or what I didn’t have. I was always shy, overweight, and kept my feelings inside. I hid within myself.

Many times our “stuff” was packed away in a car or at a family members house. Some things, memories, that I have from those few years, that we moved constantly, were destroyed by being packed inside of a family members storage and getting water damaged. Memories that are unable to be restored. Except in my mind.

Not ALL of my memories revolve around these times. I don’t want people to think that.  I don’t want people to pity me or feel sorry for me.  This is just the journey that God took me on, in my heart and mind, to show me some things. I have some AWESOME memories from my childhood. I had some AMAZING times as child. Most of them were. I WAS loved and we had fun most of the time! But those other memories STILL impacted me as much, if not more, than the best ones.

It’s these things that have impacted my life with the “clutter” around me, the disorganization, and the clutter in my mind. As I sat and thought about WHY…I realized it’s because I am trying to keep things around me in case something happens. So that my memories are tangible as well. Meaning, I have “things” to help me remember. I have “things” to touch. “Things” to show and share. “Things” to pass down.  “Things” to prove my life and my worth or value to others.

My life can probably be documented in photos…even if it’s just photos of those I love. I take photos of everything. People fuss at me for taking photos of them at crazy times. Doing crazy things or making crazy faces. But, I realize, it’s because I want to cherish those memories. And it’s getting “real” moments of them in tangible form. I realize that’s why my best photos are the “candid” ones. Because I want people to have those memories. I want them to see the “real” personality…not just the posed one that they want people to see. I have very few of those tangible memories, the ones that I can touch…at least not until I was older.

I keep all of the important “things” (material things) stored inside my home, so the rain won’t destroy them. When we finally was able to purchase our own home, it was crazy at all of the stuff I had accumulated through the years. Yet, when I touched it…and I did, literally, touch most every piece…I was taken back to the memories held within that item. It was VERY difficult to let go of most of it.  Granted, I still have quite a bit of material things.  But I was able to finally let go of at least 1/3 to ½ of it. I decided to let some other little girls get the pleasure of playing with my dolls….since I no longer receive them for Christmas.  Now, I see that maybe that is why I cherished getting a doll for Christmas from my mama so much. It wasn’t just because it was a tradition she started from birth….but because it was a memory that couldn’t be ripped from me. It was a stability. It was a tangible item that I could keep with me. Something I knew was there. Something that I could count on in a world where things always seemed to be taken from me, in one sense or another. My “peace and joy” in a world of chaos. Until that was no longer there, either.

As an adult, I have really only lived a few places.  Since I was 20, I’ve only lived about 4 places.  (I will be 40 this year). Three of those were getting established after being married. We moved when we got married and then 6 months later, we moved back to MY home state. Then 12 years later, we bought our own home.  That’s not bad at all.  It’s stability.

Sadly, though, I have filled our home with clutter. Once again, filling my life with clutter and chaos. Along with my mind. Now, though, it’s time to let it go. To finally set myself free. God set me free years ago…now it’s time to finally do it myself. It’s time to stop holding my heart & mind hostage. To stop letting the bad memories overtake the good ones. It’s time to stop cluttering up my own life and getting anxious because I feel “closed in” by stuff, by thoughts, and by my feelings.

It’s time to finally gain control of my own mind. It’s time to let go of all the chaos of my past and let God lead me to HIS peace. I can’t undo the bad things or memories that has happened in my life…but I CAN and WILL let God use each and every one for HIS good. For HIS glory! It is only by the Grace and Mercy of God that I am who I am and I am where I am today.  It’s not MY strength…but by the STRENGTH of GOD that I have made it!

I have let too much junk control me inside. Junk that I thought I had overcome, but God finally made me realize that I had just hidden it well.  And all it took was a room full of clean clothes stacked on a chair, a desk full of papers and photos that need to be hung or filed, and Pastor that says the same thing at the end of service that you had told your husband over a week ago. It’s time to get organized. It’s time to get rid of the clutter in my life. In my mind.  Make next year the best year. 

Sometimes, God will allow us to go through all the junk in order for us to find the real treasure.  The REAL treasure is NOT something that can be touched. Rather, it’s what is found in your heart. In your soul. In your spirit.

It’s a relationship with God that can NEVER be taken from you by fire, by moving, by repossession, by stealing, etc. It’s a PEACE that surpasses all understanding. It’s a JOY that is indescribable. It’s an UNCONDITONAL LOVE that remains no matter if you mess up. No matter if you make a decision that God doesn’t agree with. No matter if you mess up. 

God’s love is UNCONDITIONAL. He loves me in spite of me. He loves me in the good times and the bad times. In the angry times. In the sad times. In the happy times. God is there with me and for me…even if He doesn’t agree with me. He is there to hold me, guide me, and lead…even when He probably wants to whoop my butt instead. (Yea, I know…but He IS my Heavenly Daddy, so I am pretty sure He wants to get a switch sometimes, lol). When others choose to NOT be there…it’s ok, GOD is.  He never forgets me. He ALWAYS loves me. He always encourages me. He NEVER gives up on me.

God’s timing is PERFECT…and I think that is why RIGHT NOW is when He chose to reveal all of this to me. It’s a transformation season in my life. And right now, I have become sort of stagnant on my journey. And this transformation journey has been about my physical and spiritual well-being.   So what more perfect timing could there be?  The only way that I could truly let there be a new creation is to let go of the old. That IS the verse that God has placed in my heart and spirit for this transformation journey. So, I could say it’s a perfect ending for this chapter…but I’d rather think of it as a perfect beginning!

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:[a] The old has gone, the new is here!” – 2 Cor 5:17

Thank you, Heavenly Daddy, for your perfect timing. I love you with all that I am and I pray that I can be a light for YOU!

PS.  An hour or so later, I guess the mental workout, that I started, is complete.  LOL

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Spiritual & Mental Challenge

No matter what happens...DON'T GIVE UP! You might slow down a bit from time to time. You might get discouraged or depressed. You might get tired and fed up. You might eat more cake than veggies. More bread than fruit. It's OK! No one is 100% all the time. It's not just about strict nutrition and strict fitness. YES...all of that is necessary to lose weight & get healthy. Sorry, but there is NOT an easy "pill" or "shot" or "fix". It does take these nutrition and exercise.

BUT...that is not what it's all about! I have learned that it is even MORE mental and spiritual than it is diet and fitness. Why? Because, if you don't love yourself...if you don't believe in yourself...if you don't encourage yourself...if you don't think you are good enough...if you don't think that you CAN do it....well, you more than likely are right and you won't.

You have got to deal with the INNER before you can truly deal with the OUTER! If not, when you do mess us...when you do slow down for a little while...or when others try to tell you that you can't do it...well, then you will just shut down and give up.

Make God #1 and PRAISE Him the whole time! When you feel like giving up...PRAISE HIM! When you have those cravings but know you truly don't need them, that it's mental...PRAISE HIM (and no, it's not easy!)! When you feel that you are all alone and no one understands or cares...PRAISE HIM! Remember, no matter what GOD is there to lead you and guide you. Stop trying to make it all about yourself and let HIM lead. Believe me...it makes such a HUGE difference!

That being said...this week starts the Ultimate Weight Loss Challenge at Reeves. I'm excited to be back with the awesome trainers and friends and team! Plus it really helps me learn new things about nutrition and exercise. Helps me with accountability. And working with support people is ALWAYS encouraging! They are truly a blessing from GOD!

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Renewed Purpose

Renew: give fresh life or strength to
Purpose: a person's sense of resolve or determination

During this journey, I have opened myself up…physically. Now it’s time to do it spiritually. With RENEWED PURPOSE (more on that toward the end).

This weekend we went to an awesome worship conference at MorningStar Ministries. Between the worship, the speakers, the prophecy booths, and the healing line…I should have been feeling much more than I did. It was then that I realized something. I didn’t feel much of anything, spiritually.

Now, before you start saying, “You’re a Christian, you are supposed to feel God all the time!” Believe me, I thought that myself. Yet, I wasn’t feeling things like I did a few months ago. Yes…I know God. Yes, it still “touched” me in my heart. But my spirit just wasn’t the same. I realized that is why I had been more depressed lately and more easily aggravated. Christians AREN’T perfect…we are just forgiven.  We ARE still human and we still have daily battles. Being a Christian just means we don’t have to do it alone. God is with us! Even if we don’t feel it.

Anyway, I had no clue why I had lost those feelings spiritually.  I only shared it with two people. My husband and my best friend. The ones, other than God, that I tell pretty much everything to. Feeling this way…NOT feeling…and finally realizing it…well it was scary. It hurt. I was upset. Even a little angry.  I mean, why me? What did I do or what didn’t I do that made me lose the feeling having the Spirit with me and feeling Him?

Some people may not understand what I am saying…and it’s ok. But others will totally understand. You can know God and be with God…but STILL not feel the Spirit with you like before. Kind of feeling numb inside at times. Unless you have felt it…you can’t ever know what NOT feeling it is like.

Well, it really got me to thinking about things. Wondering if it was something I did. Of course I had to search it out.  I found out that I am in pretty good company. There were many prophets and mighty men of God in the Bible who felt the same at some point in their lives.  David, Isaiah, Moses…so after realizing that, I didn’t feel quite as bad.  I was glad that I did some research.

Once I started questioning WHY…I started asking God to let me FEEL again. I realized that I hadn’t even been as emotional as I once was, spiritually. When I FEEL emotionally, I cry a lot. My daughter one time told me she hoped she wasn’t that emotional when she was my age.  LOL.

This morning before church, the media team met with the prayer team to have them pray with us and pray over us. It was then that God chose to pour out lots of FEELING on me. I definitely felt the Spirit of God all over me, all in me. As they were praying over me, it’s like a wall was broken down. I didn’t realize it was there until this past weekend. It was a wall that had been there for years until I finally got to know Holy Spirit, more, a few years ago. And somehow it had been built back.
Thankfully, just not as thick or tall as before. But no matter, God is bigger and stronger than any wall. God used some mighty prayer warriors to help me feel Holy Spirit in me again. It is MUCH more than a feeling…it’s a BEING.  Until you know it…I just can’t explain it.

As they were praying and I was crying (needed about 5 or 6 Kleenex) …I heard 2 words in my spirit. RENEWED PURPOSE. I knew it was God. Especially when I went and looked up the word definitions (just something I always like doing).  My friend, Patsy, was praying over me and kept praying for FRESH FIRE. New things.  That is what RENEWED means. Then Pastor spoke of the same thing today. Along with being a Warrior! Purpose means DETERMINATION. Warriors are very determined. And all weekend, people have told me that I am STRONG and BEAUTIFUL.

God has renewed me with a new determination…a new strength…a new fire. There is so much in store for now and the future. He is getting rid of the old hurts and healing them completely. He is opening me up for so much more!

Will I ever feel that way again? Possible. I’m human with human feelings and we easily get off track, get depressed, etc.  But no matter what…we MUST remember… For we walk by faith, not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7). Faith is NOT a feeling.  It’s something you do. It’s something you KNOW. It’s believing and trusting…even when you DON’T feel it. Yes, we want to FEEL God and Holy Spirit in us…but there are times we just need to KNOW, BELIEVE, TRUST…and let that be enough.

One thing I have learned…when you start asking to FEEL God…He may just let you.  It doesn’t happen to everyone like it did me. Sometimes, we will walk along and NOT feel it for a while. Just like the mighty ones in the Bible.a Just like some people may go through life never feeling that “NOT feeling the Spirit feeling”. Each person is different. I have definitely found that out. But no matter what…I will NEVER stop believing God. KNOWING who He is and what He is. I will never give up on Him because He has never given up on me!  If I was never able to FEEL again…I would still love God and follow HIM.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Transformation 517 Journey

Transformation 517 Journey

Why “Transformation 527”?

2 Corinthians 5:17 -- Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

I started this journey mid-February of this year (2016), so this is my 6-month check-in & check-up.

God is making me NEW! He has great plans for my life. Once I finally saw that I couldn’t do this alone…I started transforming.  Not just physically either!  I would say that you can only see it physically, but too many people have let me know they see the grown SPIRITUALLY and MENTALLY too!

I am more BOLD since I started this journey. I am putting each step of this transformation journey out there for the world to see. Why? Because it’s not just about me.  GOD is #1 in this journey and I have to keep that in prospective. When I start thinking about what I am doing…I remember it’s not me. Without GOD, I could NOT do any of this.  I do not have the strength, the patience, the ability, or the motivation to do this without HIM.

I have learned so much about myself IN God through this.  I CAN do much more than I ever thought possible…because with Him…ALL things are possible.

Sometimes, I do find myself over-doing it though. I have found myself injured and hurting a couple of times. And that comes from MY stubbornness…not God.  I am a Christian…but I am still human and hard headed at times.  Lol It’s hard for me to stop when I start something. Like the 5k. I was half way through…so I wanted to finish. Sometimes, I guess, BOLD can be too bold. And it’s ok. I dealt with it and God loves me just as much as if I didn’t still have that stubborn streak. Plus, I know my Heavenly Daddy has a sense of humor…so He just shakes his head at me sometimes.

He also knows that stubborn steak of mine and likes it many times. He knows that He will be able to USE that for HIS glory and use it to keep me going…especially when I feel like giving up. He will be able to use it when He needs me to help someone who doesn’t think they need it. I will be their friend…good, bad, indifferent. Until they see they can trust me.  Yes, stubborn can be good sometimes.

So…about my journey. There are things it IS and things it IS NOT…

What it is NOT…

  •  It is NOT just about physical weight loss

It’s as much spiritual and mental as it is physical. I have lost just as much “spiritual/mental” weight as I have physical.

  •  It is NOT a magic pill, magic shot, gimmick, or diet.

It’s hard work, dedication, eating nutritiously (80% of the time  lol), and exercise

  • It’s NOT just about me.

I started out doing this for me. But it didn’t take long before I KNEW I couldn’t do it alone. I definitely had to let God in! I want all that I do…all of my movements…ALL of it to glorify HIM. I want to help others the way that He is helping me. I want to be able to share what He has done and help others learn the same!

  •  It is NOT about looking good, getting skinny, wearing cute clothes, etc.

YES…all of those things are GREAT side effects of my weight loss.  But I am doing this to be HEALTHY. To be WHOLE. To find the REAL me.  Not the me that feels she isn’t good enough. I am finding who I am in CHRIST! When I know WHOSE I am…I can love MYSELF. And I do, now. Granted, I might not always like me…but I do LOVE me, now!

What it IS…

This Transformation Journey is so much more than words can describe! It is learning about ME. It is learning about GOD. It is learning about nutrition. About health. About my body. About what I can do…and even what I can’t. For at least right now.  It’s about seeing where God is leading me and seeing new dreams come to life. It’s about God moving me way outside of my box and making me see myself as HE wants me to see me. It’s about knowing WHO I belong to.

It’s about knowing that because of who I belong to…I can do ALL things through Christ. Yes…there are things that I can’t do, physically, at the moment. But in my mind, I CAN…and because of that…I believe that I WILL. I DO believe in healing….and I believe that sometimes it’s instantaneous and sometimes it comes in time.  I DO know that God has healed me in many ways. Especially emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Even physically. I have a way to go on all accounts…but much of that’s on me and how that stubbornness thing works.  But I KNOW that I know that I know that -- I AM HEALED!

Right now, I can use the dis-abilities and un-abilities that I have to help others that think they can’t do it because of their own disabilities. What satan tried to use for harm…GOD is just turning around and using for GOOD and HIS glory! And that is one thing I want to do…help others that think they can’t. I know they can. Why? Because I didn't think that I could...but I CAN and I AM. God has been there each step of the way!

So, sure, you can see that weight loss is a big part of this journey…but it’s not the ONLY part…or the biggest part. And it’s way more than physical! <3

Thank you for all of your encouragement, prayers, and inspiration. It helps keep me going on the days that I don’t feel like moving. God is AWESOME and will definitely NOT let me give up! He keeps moving me forward!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Sometimes a Break is NEEDED

When something happens in the physical...it usually also happens in the spiritual. Good or bad. That's usually just how it works. And I have been thinking about that. In the physical, I have been told that I need to rest in order to heal properly. I don't like it. It's annoying. It's aggravating. I'm tired of resting already!

Then I start to think...I believe that is what God is telling me to do with my spirit person. To rest. REST. I love my Heavenly Daddy more than anything...but just as with my physical daddy...I don't always like what I am told. lol And God is perfectly ok with me feeling that way. He's my DADDY! I think the conversation is probably like this, "But Heavenly Daddy...I don't need to rest. There's so much more I could be doing for you, for me, for everybody. I need to move. I need to do something." But His reply? "REST. STOP. BE STILL. LISTEN. HEAR."

So that is what I am going to do for a few days or so. I'm taking a hiatus from FB. I need to let my Heavenly Daddy speak to me. I need to read HIS word. I need to hear what He has to say. I need to pull myself up closer to HIM. As Josh Jarrell spoke tonight, it made me KNOW that God wants me to come closer. "Proximity to Jesus changes EVERYTHING!" It's time to go HIGHER with Him, closer to HIM.

We need to check our love relationship with Jesus. Just like our physical relationships take work...so does our spiritual. We need to love on Jesus and let Him work on us. So for the next few days, I'm going to go find my "dirt-writer" and let HIM show me the map of my life that HE is rewriting for me! I know the journey He has me on...but I can only see so far. He shows me a little more at a time. <3 So it's time to go play in the dirt with Jesus and let Him clean me up even more. To help me let go of some junk in the trunk. To be as BOLD spiritually as I am becoming physically. Because when that BOLD is happening in BOTH at the same time...there ain't no stopping what God WILL do!

So...if you need me, you can text me (that usually works best). Or you can PM me. I will still check messenger because of business and stuff. But it's time for me to HIGHER...to dig DEEPER...and to "FACETIME" with JESUS!

"I am becoming like the one I'm beholding...The old has gone and the new has come..." Funny that was sang tonight... 2 Corinthians 5:17 is what I call the "butterfly" verse. It's a very important verse to me on this journey He has me on. And it is exactly where God has me right now. TRANSFORMATION.

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

I am being transformed...physically and spiritually. I have felt "stuck" for the past few weeks. And rest is NOT what I wanted to hear. But it's what God wants me to do. To just REST in HIM. It's time to let the Word pour into me.

Awesome, Awesome, Awesome services today and tonight. Exactly what I needed. Can you tell? lol

Thank you, Heavenly Daddy!

#WarriorMode #Transformation517 #REST #GodsGirl #ListeningToHIM

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Knee Follow-Up

Went for my follow up with my doctor about my knee. Thankfully, prayers are being answered and it IS getting better. It was more than the mild sprain...so it can take up to 6-8 weeks to heal. No running or jogging for at least that long...and I have to start off very slow, even then. I CAN start walking, though, once the pain is gone. And I CAN start water exercises in 1-2 weeks. No matter what...if I feel pain, I gotta STOP. :-/ That ain't easy for me, now. lol

Until then, I will start to do some upper body stuff and some chair exercises. I've only rested since Saturday with my first time going out yesterday and to church last night.

Well, at least I hurt it doing something productive...rather than by getting off the couch wrong or something like that. lol Gotta keep the humor.

satan is trying to keep me down and keep me off the path that God has placed me on. The old Stephanie would have given up and probably let it defeat me. Weight loss (spiritual and physical) have both been something I have battled throughout my life. Never conquered...until NOW. This time, I am not the only one in the battle. JESUS is fighting for me and HE WINS! So that means I WIN! I REFUSE to give up the fight~ There is more than one way to skin this rabbit! lol

I chose this photo, again, because I KNOW I am healed~

Jeremiah 30:17a For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, declares the Lord

Philippians 4:19 And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

Proverbs 17:22 A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

‪#‎RunningForGod‬ ‪#‎Transformation517‬ ‪#‎RevelationWellness‬ ‪#‎NeverGiveUp‬ ‪#‎GodsGirl‬ ‪#‎GettingHealthy‬ ‪#‎HEALED‬ — feeling hopeful.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Don't Give Up

Don't ever give up or give in! God WILL provide when He has shown you where to go! Just keep believing & keep MOVING FOR HIM!

Philippians 4:19 And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

I Am A Warrior

Warrior: a person who fights in battles and is known for having courage and skill

I am re-sharing this photo. Why? Because God is reminding me that I AM a WARRIOR...over and over, in just the past 2 days. Many people have used that word to describe me lately. Until the past few months, I didn't let myself think that word for me. But I AM. Most know that I printed all of the Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole Bold in the Soul photos I did during the month of June and put them on my office door. In just the past week or so, this photo...alone...has fallen off of that door. satan is doing his best to make me forget that I am a warrior. Or to make me think that I am not a warrior. He may be able to try to show physical signs to me (like with the photo falling, the knee injury)...but he canNOT make me believe it. I KNOW that I am a WARRIOR! I WILL continue to fight for GOD. I WILL continue to fight for ME. I will continue to fight for MY journey!

My journey is NOT just about me. When I allow God to make me into the warrior that HE needs me to be...then I get stronger -- physically, spiritually, and mentally --- letting me help others to realize the Warrior in themselves!

So, satan...remember this...you are a PUNK. you are a LIAR. And you will NOT get me to stop fighting. I will only fight harder because I know that GOD is with me each step of the way and the blessings will be even GREATER!

Ephesians 6:10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

‪#‎WarriorWoman‬ ‪#‎GodsWarrior‬ ‪#‎Transformation517‬ ‪#‎BoldInTheSoul‬ ‪#‎RevelationWellness‬

Sometimes Pain Happens

Well...I said earlier that I was sharing my whole journey. Being vulnerable. It's not always good and easy. So I gotta share the bad and the hard. Sometimes in getting healthy you will get hurt or injured. Especially when you are giving it your all. So here I am again.

ER visit was not how I planned to spend the time after the race...but hey, I finished the 5k strong! I hate going to the doctor unless I have to...especially the ER. Wasn't taking any chances, though, with the amount of pain I was having and not being able to move it or walk on it without MUCH pain.

No Regrets, though! I enjoyed the race and will hopefully be able to do another in a couple months! Will just do water workouts until I am completely healed.

I finally figured out what I would have to do if I need crutches, though, since I can only do certain things with my arm since I hurt it a few years back. LOL It ain't easy to use them...had to move the left hand bar up since I can't straighten my arm. But they definitely help me take the weight off of my knee. There is a way to modify most things. Just had to figure it out.

RICE...It's not just a food to eat. :-P Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation...and meds. Praying the pain gets better in the next day or two & it's just overdoing it or pulled muscles/sprain!

Prayers appreciated! I am probably not the best patient, but Paul has always been a great helper. Plus, I do not like NOT being able to be active now. I've come too far to slow down now. So once it starts feeling better...POOL TIME!

<3 #Transformation517 #KneeOuchie #CrutchesAreInteresting #RestYesStopNO #NOGivingUp #GodsGotThis #StillBLESSED #GodsGirl

Saturday, August 6, 2016

You Better Run

So glad that I took the leap & joined this awesome team You Better Run. Yes, it's a run "group" but today, I found out it's so much more! I am proud, honored, blessed, & so thankful God put me there. As I was making my way up that big ol' hill at Indepenence...I look up & see Jason Easter running toward me...yelling such encouraging words! He had already finished but came back to run in with me. To get me up that hill! Reminding me how blessed I am & that I CAN DO ALL THINGS! Then Tanya Depetris & her daughter met me with water & joined us the rest of the way. At Main St, Scarlet Easter & some of the other ladies, along with Justin Collins (who had also finished) met us & we headed to the finish where the rest of the team was there cheering me on. And of course my dear Kasey Summers was cheering, videoing, & crying for me.
It wasn't about a time...it was about so much more!

Yes...it's NOT just a group. It's a TEAM. A FAMILY! And I am so glad that God placed me here. BLESSED!

#YouBetterRun #Family #Blessed #ICan #GodsGirl #Transformation517

THIS is why I love them!
If you are looking for a run group that is full of support, love, and encouragement...no matter if you walk more than you run...come join!
Click for the video of me at the end of Downtown Rocks & Runs (video by Kasey Summers, one of my trainers)

Downtown Rocks & Runs Video

Here are some of the ladies from You Better Run run group!

Nothing is Impossible -- Downtown Rocks & Runs

My knee was hurting, I was tired...but I pushed through to the finish. And I was jogging when I went through the finish line.

Don't EVER let anyone tell you that you can't do something. Especially yourself. Shut those voices down and remind them...

Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

‪#‎GodsGirl‬ ‪#‎Blessed‬ ‪#‎YBRGroup‬ ‪#‎Transformation517‬ ‪#‎ICAN‬ ‪#‎IDid‬ ‪#‎DowntownRocksAndRuns‬ ‪#‎MayberryNC‬

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Running for God!

My knee has felt much better since Sunday. Decided to try running a bit today. I was able to do a little bit before we decided it was probably best to go back and rest it until the 5k on Saturday. I am determined to be there and finish it like I had planned! Might be about the same as last time...but I will put all my effort into it. Why? I ain't just running for me. I'm RUNNING FOR GOD!
He is my strength! Through HIM, I have been able to do so much. I want to give HIM all the praise!

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Trusting and Going for It -- Fundraising Info

Tonight, I decided to take the leap and go ahead and start buying some of the books for the Fitness Ministry (Revelation Wellness) instructor training with the funds that has already been given to help me with the training. I KNOW that God WILL make a way for this because I KNOW that HE is leading me there! It's not just for me...but to help others just as He has helped me!

I am STILL fundraising to become a Revelation Wellness Instructor. If you can help in any way, it will be very appreciated.

If you can donate, there are 2 ways to choose from online...Thank you in advance! Prayers are DEFINITELY needed, as well!

Paypal (you have to have an account): www.paypal.me/stephrepnyek

GoFundMe: www.gofundme.com/stephrepnyek

Or if you prefer nothing online, you can PM me and let me know...or if local, we can meet in person.

Thank you all so much for the continued encouragement and prayers! With GOD...ALL things are possible!!

Please feel free to share this with family and friends!

PS. If you would like to learn more about Revelation Wellness... go to www.revelationwellness.org . It really is an awesome ministry and I can't wait until I can get the training to reach out to others!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Thank You, Heavenly Daddy ~ He knows what we need and want

I love how God works. Yesterday, I went shopping for some exercise clothes. Found a couple...but still not what I wanted. Need to return a pair of pants because they didn't fit.

THIS MORNING at church, a friend brought me a bag and said..."I was going through my stuff and said, I need to take these to Stephanie." Inside was 3 of the dri-fit type tank tops I had been wanting and 2 pairs of workout capris. And they fit PERFECT.

He supplies our needs and will do it through some awesome people, at that!

Thank you, Heavenly Daddy!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

God uses ME

God has blessed me by showing me the WHY of why I want to be a Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole Instructor. And why I can't give up on that. It's NOT about me. Yes, it will help me...but more than anything...I will be able to help others! It's about GOD...by becoming more whole in Christ...you can become more whole in everything else. Letting Him lead...you can go much farther...spiritually and physically!

I had someone reach out to me for help because they had been following my journey. God used me to inspire and motivate...and this person asked for my help. And I will be praying for them and helping them all that I can. Not only that...I was able to encourage someone else about exercising when you don't have money for the gym. GOD is using little 'ol me and THAT is exactly why I am fundraising to become a Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole Instructor. It will give me more knowledge, wisdom, and love to reach out and help even more. God WILL use us...even when we think we are un-usable.

If you can donate, please do! If you can't...please pray for this journey. And PLEASE...share with your family and friends! It's not easy...and this training won't be easy. But it WILL be worth it! Thank you so much for helping and encouraging me! God Bless You~

There are 2 ways to choose from to donate online...Thank you in advance!

Paypal (you have to have an account): www.paypal.me/stephrepnyek
GoFundMe: www.gofundme.com/stephrepnyek

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Revelation Wellness - Harvest Fitness Workout

I am NOT a morning person...but when you finally let go & let God lead your journey...you WILL do things differently! You will get up earlier than usual to learn new things, if you need to.

This is NOT all about me! This has God in front, leading!! It's not a quest to get "skinny" or "fit into those jeans". Yes, the clothes fitting is nice...and weight loss feels good...but it's about BEING HEALTHY! It's about BEING WHOLE with God! I use this time of exercising to also worship & talk to Him. I sure couldn't do it without HIS mercy, grace, & strength.

Thank you, God & Thank You, Revelation Wellness - Harvest Fitness for the workout this morning! What a great time!

‪#‎GoGod‬ ‪#‎RevelationWellness‬ ‪#‎Transformation517‬

Friday, July 15, 2016

Under 300!

Journey Update: Today was "official" weight and measure day. I like sharing these because if I can do it...ANYONE can do it. I actually look forward to this because it shows me how I am doing, physically. Yesterday, though, God showed me how I am doing SPIRITUALLY, internally. As I was walking, God made me look at myself. And He really made me see, ME. I wasn't walking with my head down, shuffling along. No, He showed me how I've gained more confidence. More confidence in HIM...and more confidence in myself. This isn't just a journey about me and my weight loss. It's a journey, most of all, to get closer to God and find my strength in HIM. As I am doing that, I am realizing who I really am...and WHO's I really am. And when I am more confident and strong in God...I will be able to lead others and inspire others to do the same!

So...results for today. It's been 5 months.

I have NOT been under 300 in quite a few years! I was actually there a week or so ago, but wanted to wait to put it out. lol

HW (January): 338
SW (February): 335
CW (July) : 297 / 298

Inches lost: 34
(6 from waist, 5.5 from hips, 6 from chest, 1.5 each arm...and the rest from legs)

‪#‎GetHealthy‬ ‪#‎GoGod‬ ‪#‎Transformation517‬

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Joining "You Better Run" Run Group

Reminder: When you ask God for something...be prepared to do what it takes to get it and accept it when He gives it! lol

Tonight, I joined the run group at You Better Run. On the way there, I prayed for God to give me the strength to do this. That I WANT to do this. Not just for me, but for HIM. To be able to inspire others and to help others and also bring them to Him.

Well...I was nervous. I even said, "Ok, God, this is WAY outside of my box. Way, way outside it. No where near it!" I expected to probably walk the most of it. Especially on the first night. But remember what I said, I ASKED God to let me do this and that I WANTED to do this (and I do want to, btw! lol)

Well...Jason Easter is an awesome and very patient teacher and was with me, encouraging me the whole way. It was a short one, but I made it. I did it. And I didn't walk almost all of it. What's that? YES...God answered! :-D

For some reason, I've always wanted to run (ON PURPOSE! :-P ). Now I am really starting to do it. All it takes is taking that first step. Remember ... you CAN do ALL things THROUGH Christ who strengthens you!! DON'T GIVE UP! KEEP MOVING!

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

#ICan #JesusRocks #ItsAllAboutGod #ThisIsMyJourney #Transformation517 — feeling determined.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

What God Can Do

This is what God can do when you let HIM work on you from inside, out...outside, in. But it isn't just letting HIM work. You gotta work too! You must accept the CHALLENGE to make the CHOICE to CHANGE your life! Pick yourself up and MOVE!

I am NOT on a diet. It's a LIFESTYLE change. I would say it's 80% clean, healthy food...the other 20% isn't. (But my body doesn't do well with junk, now. lol). It's not something there is an end to. It's a journey...not a destination!

I am NOT exercising to just lose weight. I AM doing it to get healthy. It's not always fun...but it's exciting. And I can do so many things now that I never really have before. I CAN do ALL things through CHRIST who strengthens me (and CHALLENGES me! lol)

The left was my heaviest (stayed that way a few years) and the right is NOW. Shirt on the left is 4XL (and not baggy). Shirt on the right is 2XL and feels good and has room leftover.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Don't Give Up! Have Faith!

When satan starts fighting and making you feel like you are not important...like what you do doesn't matter...STOP! Breath. Speak the name of JESUS! You ARE important! You DO matter! What you do for God is making a difference even if you don't see it and feel it. We don't walk by feelings...we walk by FAITH!

How can I say all of that? Because I have had that kind of day today. No one has said that to me...just how I felt. But I refuse to let satan win. I AM A CHILD OF GOD! That in itself makes me more important that I will ever know or understand. I might not be able to see how things are going to work out with things I am working toward...but GOD knows and He WILL make a way...especially when He is the one leading you and you are doing it for HIM!


Saturday, July 9, 2016

Bridgette's Belief Run

Video at the finish line..this made me cry!  Finishing the 5k Video

Thank you, Jancie for getting the photos of me finishing! And thank you, Kasey Summers for being a butt kicking trainer at Reeves...but most of all for encouraging me & being right there when I finished!

I mighta walked most of it but I had to sprint with allI had at the finish! Made sure to finish strong! From usual my 30 minutes for one mile to 61 minutes for over 3 miles. YES, I CAN do ALL things through Christ! — with Kasey Summers.

1 hr 1 min 33:44 but I did it!!! — feeling proud with Bridgettes Belief Run at Emily B Taylor Greenway.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Free 2 B Me

Day 30: Bold in the Soul ~ Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole


For 30 days, I have taken photos of myself with words written on me. I don't do that...even though I am a photographer. But this wasn't for me as much as it was for God. It was all about what God has given me and who I am with God. I know how awesome God is and what all He does for me...but this challenge was also an opportunity to win a prize that would help me become a RevWell instructor. Then I will be able to reach others...even more for Him, and help them with their health. I didn't win the grand prize (but I was top 7!!)...but I won so much more than a material prize!!

What I didn't realize is how much I could grow within myself in those 30 days. I posted photos and things about myself that I didn't plan on. I tried to listen to God speak and do what I felt in my Spirit. Was it easy? NO! But I learned a lot about me! It also had me in the Bible more because I always tried to find verses that went with the word photos. I was also able to encourage others!

For the last day, today, I wanted something to sum it all up. I went back and forth over a couple and this is what I felt. And it's an awesome song as well. Through all of these photos, I got to be ME. Sometimes a word was to remind me what I need to be more of...sometimes it reminded me of who I already am in God. Not matter what...God has made it possible for me to be FREE TO BE ME!

**Free to be Me (Francesca Battistelli)

"Sometimes I believe
That I can do anything
Yet other times I think
I've got nothing good to bring

But You look at my heart and tell me
That I've got all You seek
And it's easy to believe, even though...

I got a couple dents in my fender
Got a couple rips in my jeans
Try to put the pieces together
But perfection is my enemy
And on my own I'm so clumsy
But on Your shoulders I can see
I'm free to be me"

Psalm 139:14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

#BoldInTheSoul #RevelationWellness #FreeToBeMe #FearfullyAndWonderfullyMade

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

I'm His

Day 29: Bold in the Soul ~ Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole

It's a choice...not one that God forces on us. I CHOOSE God! I give myself to HIM...heart, mind, soul, and body.

As I was looking up verses, this song came to mind:

No Longer Slaves ~ Bethel Music
"You unravel me with a melody
You surround me with a song
Of deliverance from my enemies
'Til all my fears are gone

I'm no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God

From my mother's womb
You have chosen me
Love has called my name
I've been born again
Into your family
Your blood flows through my veins

I'm no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God"

Romans 8:16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.

Ephesians 1:7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace

1 Corinthians 19-20 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

John 1:12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—

#BoldInTheSoul #RevelationWellness #ImHis #ChildOfGod #JesusLovesMe

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Day 28: Bold in the Soul ~ Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole

to stop feeling angry or resentful toward someone for an offense, flaw, or mistake.

In my life, I have had to learn to forgive myself just as much as I have had to learn to forgive others. Words and actions from others toward me...they ended up making me dislike myself so much. I judged myself and never really loved myself. I was always self-conscious and calling myself fat and ugly. I would get mad at myself for no reason and when I made mistakes, I put myself down.

I didn't always do it in front of people...sometimes it was just between me and God. There were times I wanted to kill myself. I remember a time as a teenager I had my car at a riverbank, ready to drive into the river. The only thing that kept me from doing it was God. At the time, I thought it was other things that kept me from doing it...but looking back, I know it was God. He had much greater plans for me.

FORGIVENESS~ I have found it much harder to forgive myself for hurting myself...not physically, but emotionally and spiritually. I can much easier forgive others for the way they treat me and the things they say to me...but myself, that's the hardest.

Since starting my journey...I have started to see that I need to do this...and I have been doing it. I am starting to love myself. I see myself as beautiful. I am becoming bolder and not as shy. Yes, I am overweight...but I am fixing that. I did that to myself! I love God and I love ME~ I forgive ME! I make mistakes. I am not perfect and won't be until I reach Heaven. I say things I shouldn't...I do things I shouldn't...I think things I shouldn't. I don't always help when I should and I don't always listen when I should. But I am learning...I am growing...I am forgiving!

Through forgiveness of myself and others...God is healing me...inside out~

John 13:34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

Luke 6:37 “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

Ephesians 4:32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

James 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

#BoldInTheSoul #RevelationWellness #Forgiveness #LoveYourself #ILoveMe #IForgiveMe #IForgiveYou

Monday, June 27, 2016


Day 27: Bold in the Soul ~ Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole

make stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights

So many days I feel like I want to give up. It's too hard to keep doing this. I literally feel satan fighting me at times. Trying so hard to make me believe I can't do this. But I know that I CAN and WILL. On the way to church yesterday, my husband told me I was Beautifully Empowered. Ironically, he told my best friend that, as well, I believe. And today...we were both dealing with feeling the opposite. Yesterday was such an amazing day with God...so of course the enemy is going to try to get us down. I REFUSE to stay there! Yes, I will acknowledge the emotions and feelings...but then I have to remind myself that I AM EMPOWERED.

God has given me the strength and confidence that I need. He has given me all that I need to take back my life! Back off, satan...you ain't getting MY pea-patch anymore! Ain't nothing like an EMPOWERED woman!

Philippians 4:13 I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.

Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

2 Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

#BoldInTheSoul #RevelationWellness #EmpoweredWoman #Strong

Sunday, June 26, 2016


Day 26: Bold in the Soul ~ Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole

Today, one of my best friends (whom I call my Butterfly Sister), Renee' Easter Weddle, took a stand. She did something that satan tried his best to stop. She danced. To some, that's nothing. But for someone who has never truly felt beautiful, fights depression daily, and hides behind herself...that is a HUGE step. Because she done it in front of the whole church. She didn't just do it for herself though...even though that would have been enough. No...she did it for others. She did it for their healing...physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. I know that one she specifically did it for was ME.

She danced to the song "Beautiful" by Kari Jobe. Such beautiful lyrics that say so much! And today, Renee' Easter Weddle was more beautiful than I have ever seen her!! <3 She was shining brighter than ever before.

Then, Pastor Larry Johnson preached on not giving up our pea-patch. And gave us all a packet of peas, to remember this. For me, it went right along with Renee dancing. She took her stand by dancing for God. She stood right there in the middle of her pea-patch and fought hell with all she had! I am blessed and thankful that I am part of her pea-patch and that she will fight hell for me!

So, tonight, I do this photo for Renee' Easter Weddle...but also for me. Because she is beautiful inside and out...but she always makes me feel beautiful as well! Through her, God reminded me that when we listen to HIM and step out of our comfort zone...our beauty SHINES bright!

PS. In the photo is also my "pea-patch" packet. Health is a big part of my pea-patch right now. It hasn't been easy...but I ain't giving it up and I am fighting for that along with many other things in my personal pea-patch. I'm taking a stand...hence the leg and foot photo. satan sucks and he's lost this battle!

2 Samuel 23:12 But Shammah took his stand in the middle of the field. He defended it and struck the Philistines down, and the Lord brought about a great victory.

Proverbs 31:25 She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

If you would like to help me further my health & fitness journey...please go here, share & pray with me!

#BoldInTheSoul #RevelationWellness #Beautiful #MyPeaPatch

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Grace & Mercy

Day 24 & 25: Bold in the Soul ~ Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole

compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm

the free and unmerited favor of God

I am so thankful and blessed that God has had mercy and grace upon me throughout my life. I deserve NEITHER...but He loves me enough to give me MERCY and GRACE...and many other blessings. Because of this, I do my best to give the same to others. God, Forgive Me, for those times that my flesh overtakes me and I don't give mercy and grace like I have received from you!

Luke 6:36 Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.

2 Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

Ephesians 4:7 But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.

#BoldInTheSoul #RevelationWellness #Mercy #Grace #ThankYouJesus

Friday, June 24, 2016

Celebrating ME!

Ps...I have learned that it's perfectly OK to celebrate ME!

Did my monthly Weight Loss Photos today. I have been doing them monthly since Feb...same shorts and sports bra. It's amazing how you can see the difference when doing this.

4 months...35 lbs...27 inches (5 in my waist, 4.5 in my hips, 5 in my chest, 1 in my neck, and the rest in my arms & legs).

God is AWESOME! Without HIS help, HIS strength...I could not do this!

Thursday, June 23, 2016


Day 23: Bold in the Soul ~ Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole

freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility; calm

Another great workout today! I can feel myself changing inside and out. I looked at myself in the full length mirror...only my leggings and sports bra. I really looked. Yes, I still have quite a bit of weight left to be where I want to be healthy-wise. But as I looked at myself, I smiled. Just looking at myself this way is new. Before I started my journey, I HATED looking at my body. Now, I see so much difference. Not just physically, either. I've lost 35 lbs and many inches...and I am proud of that. But the biggest change has been INSIDE! I have a PEACE with myself that I haven't had in a long time. I love me for me! I am still working on me...inside and out...but I have finally learned that weight loss isn't just about physical weight loss. You have to lose a lot of emotional & spiritual weight, as well. It's funny, actually. Every time I start to post this type of photo of myself...satan gets scared. He tries to stop me by putting doubts in my mind. Making feel like I will be judged, looked down on, and made fun of. What's so awesome to me, now, is that I don't care. My "flesh" may try to overtake my Spirit...but God has already won! Just looking at myself today, I realized there is a whole lot more "weight" gone than 35 lbs. There's a lifetime of junk that is being laid at the foot of the cross. Thank you, Jesus, for having patience with me and showing me the way!

PS...There is no magic pill, shot, or potion. It takes lots of dedication and hard work. Eat healthy and as clean as possible and exercise any way that you can. PRAYER ~ The #1 key!

‪#‎BoldInTheSoul‬ ‪#‎RevelationWellness‬ ‪#‎Peace‬ ‪#‎ILoveMe‬ ‪#‎JesusFreak‬

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Day 22: Bold in the Soul ~ Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole

a feeling of great pleasure and happiness

A few years back, I had lost my joy. Actually, I had let it get stolen by satan. It took me a few years to get out of that "hole" but I did. I refuse to let it get taken away again! Sure, I have my moments...yes, I still get my feelings hurt. But my joy is still there! I look around me at my life, my family, my friends, my church...all the beauty that God has created. Good or bad times...I am full of JOY! <3 The joy of the Lord is my strength! He makes it all worth while! He makes life beautiful in so many ways...we just have to take a moment and look around and see it!

Nehemiah 8:10 ...For the joy of the Lord is your strength

Romans 5:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Psalm 126:2-3 Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.” The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.

2 Corinthians 4:8-9 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.

#BoldInTheSoul #RevelationWellness #Joy